LIFTING CONE and RADOME with RADAR Phazotron N027 for Su-27, Su-30K and Su-33

Su-27 Phazotron N001 radar

Rectified radome with lifting cone of Sukhoi 27, with detailed interior and exterior rear radar Phazotron N027, electronic equipment rack and jack lift. This radar was used in Su-27, Su-30K and Su-33.

This kit has been fit and dimension tested on Trumpeter's Sukhoi 27 1/32 scale kit.

The Phazotron N001 was a revolutionary radar designed by Viktor Grishin as an airborne standard. Adapted for the new Sukoi 27 as N027 and for the Mig-29 as N019. It used a reflective screen in front as if it were a telescope to increase the beam. It was of high interest for the CIA.

As explained the book "The Billion Dollar Spy" the engineer Adolf Tolkachev was used as an infiltrated spy, saving USA a billion dollars in research to live up to these advanced radars.

It is the first radar research period for the entire Sukhoi 27 family and later versions.


The cone is improved from the first Trumpeter Su-27 molds. This detailed model does not include the front of the radar with the antenna and the microwave reflective screen cone, as they are hidden by the outer cone. Are 8 unpainted pieces, separated to allow the painting of the interior parts with comfort.

Sukhoi 27 model kit not included.


It comes prepared to insert a front rib to the nose of the Su-27, in which it adapts and turns the nose elevable. Include the lift jack essential to raise the cone part with the radar.

This jack includes an endless screw and metal nuts that allow it to be rotated to raise this part of the cone to the desired position.


The electrical equipment rack and the radar on the inside and outside have the necessary points to add electrical wiring to the point where the modeler is comfortable.

These are not included in the model to avoid the artificiality of the bas-relief. The minimal but real separation between pipes and motor provide unbeatable hyperrealism.


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